INCOSE Systems Engineering and Architecting Doctoral Student Network (SEANET) 2024 Workshop
INCOSE seeks to foster and accelerate doctoral research in the field of systems engineering by connecting student researchers through a network. The purpose of SEANET is to advance systems engineering research by providing a collegial support network, research resources, and contacts that will enable the completion of doctoral dissertations related to systems engineering. The INCOSE SEANET invites current and soon-to-be doctoral students to participate in this one-day workshop. Students will also have the option to exhibit a research poster.
The Systems Engineering & Architecting Research Network (SEANET) is an INCOSE sponsored organizational network of doctoral students working in the field of systems engineering and architecture. SEANET is aimed at fostering doctoral level research in systems engineering and contributing to the evolving intellectual agenda for systems engineering research.
All SEANET participants must register to be included in the workshops.
Dr. Paul Wach, Virginia Tech National Security Institute
Dr. Alejandro Salado, The University of Arizona
Date: March 25, 2024.